Tuesday 4 February 2014

AS Evaluation- Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My thriller film appeals to my target audience in many different ways, mainly through it being relatable. The characters in my narrative are ordinary people, who are presented very naturally, such as through the everyday clothing of the two sisters, which allows the audience to see them as one of them and so can relate to them and believe their emotions etc.
The narrative unfortunately is also reasonably believable, due to stories of children being snatched etc. This may make the film quite personal to some viewers, meaning they will be able to relate and emphasise with the victim and what is going on truthfully. 
The different aspects of mise-en-scene such as the iconography used; the scarf and the rose, as well as the setting in a forest are all easily accessible, which makes them realistic and believable. This may make viewers feel that the scenario happening on screen can happen to them-self, and so will make them nervous for what may happen next and will also build suspense and help the audience feel the full effect of the thriller. 
The soundtrack and cinematography used will also appeal to my target audience as they help to build suspense, and will make the viewers feel something, which is the reason our audience are watching the film. For example, the use of the high angle continually used to portray the young girl shows her to be the victim as she looks vulnerable and smaller. Also, the non-diegetic soundtrack is quite eerie and also matches the images on screen, making the thriller have a bigger effect on viewers, through the tension built. 
The edits were completed so that it looked like the images on screen motivated the edit taking place, and specific camera angles such as a high angle, made it clearer to the audience who specific characters were. 

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 4, demonstrates a basic understanding of how your thriller sequence appeals to your audience. You have focused on the micro elements and how this builds a relationship, but these points need to be explored and discussed in a lot more detail, to extend your understanding of the question in more detail.
