Wednesday 20 November 2013

Risk Assessment - Miss Georgiou

Risk assessments are carried out before any filming has taken place and are important as they ensure the location etc, is safe for all the actors and crew involved. A risk assessment involves you identifying the risks, analysing the potential dangers of them and evaluating how you are going to minimise this risk.

During the planning stage of our thriller opening clip, we carried out a risk assessment to ensure all involved were kept safe during the filming. My risk assessment can be seen below;

As you can see, I have analysed both locations for the filming of my thriller films; In the forest and using the swimming pool. Creating this risk assessment made me realise how important it is to plan your locations to prevent accidents from happening. For example, having made this risk assessment I have spoken to an appropriate adult who can supervise us whilst using the school pool to make sure we are all kept safe, Without completing this risk assessment, I wouldn't have done this.

Having completed the filming, I found there were a few more risks that we had encountered. Firstly, when trying to film the dragging the little sisters body out of the river, we found we could not get close enough to the river due to it being too dangerous. We resolved this problem by finding a nearby ditch, and simply showing the girl being dragged on grass. We only filmed from the waist up to hide the fact that she was being pulled from a ditch and not the river. The other issue we had was carrying a knife with us for the filming. We had planned to use this knife as a murder weapon as this is conventional to thriller films, but didn't realise until the day of the filming that this would not be a practical idea. Instead, we had to slightly change our narrative and filming schedule, to film the scenes without the knife. Other than this, we followed our risk assessment and finished the filming safely. 


  1. This demonstrates a proficient understanding of what a risk assessment is and why it is important to consider, while you are planning your thriller. The table that you have included, shows your understanding of the hazards and ways in which to aviod them.

    Did you counter any more risks?

  2. This post now demonstrates a good understanding of what a risk assessment is and this is because you have explored the purpose well.
